Colour and Light on the Pathways© Training Courses

Each level offered in 4-day formats

Colour and Light on the Pathways® which is offered by the Aura Color Light Academy LLC in the US will be lead by its co-creator, Shanto L Dorcey and those teachers officially authorized by the Academy.

Shanto L. Dorcey is the co-creator, author and main teacher of the course material.

Upon completion of these courses, the participant will have sufficient knowledge and practice to offer a number of different treatments.
The courses are certified by ACL Academy and the student will receive a certificate from the Academy. Each Level comes with a forty plus page workbook available in 8 different languages. Laminated posters of course materials are available.

Level I is designed for everyone who wishes to explore this beautiful system, especially those already working in the therapeutic field. No prerequisites are required. Prerequisite for charging fees is to have attended the Level 2.